Darkness in Life

Darkness seems to follow me a lot… a shadow that’s present, even when the light shines through, it never seems to absorb it at all. Darkness is like daylight savings; it starts off and ends in darkness. That hour back barely makes any difference at all. I walk around with my eyes open, but I mind as well walk around with them closed; because at least I know the doors are shut and nobody can see into them.

You see, darkness doesn’t like to leave me alone… it’s like having a stalker and you try to reach out to the authorities… and you beg for their help while crying with tears in your eyes while on your knees… even add a pretty pleas. But, all they tell you is that “there’s nothing they can do because they aren’t making any active threats”. So… darkness has me in a hostage position… starts to mess with my cognition… I’m not a cancer patient, but my darkness has yet to be in remission… but I won’t go to a physician, just for them to use terms to put me in a box with unwanted labels to define me when really my darkness is an acquisition.

So this darkness is my life, I know nothing different… I’m really not trying to be ignorant… I’m not trying to lose interest, but this darkness has a mind of its own and it likes to act belligerent… this type of darkness is not an act but deliberate.  

Written by NelliKong

My name is NelliKong (pen name) and I’m getting back into my love of writing. I’m from the United States and I hope to have my words touch the hearts from individuals from all the world. I hope I can bring my love of writing to life and not only jump off the page but jump into your hearts as well.

You can discover my writing on Instagram @nellikongpslams, Writers Cafe and Wordpress.




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